Friday, 5 April 2013



The lavender folgate is a common English variety which offers excellent foliage and blue-purple flowers throughout the late summer.

Qualities -
  • Evergreen
  • Ideal for border edges
  • Dense Foliage (compact)
  • Fragrant Blue Flowers
  • Potential height of 60cm
The potential height of 60cm is in ideal conditions, and it is easy to maintain at a much more desirable 30-35cm, ex flowers. The flowers of the lavender folgate plants are dark blue, sometimes mistaken for a purple. The folgate will produce a decent crop of flowers, and often quite dense and aromatic flowering qualities. Foliage is generally silver to grey, new foliage is green, and winter foliage is a shade of purple/silver.

On conclusion - a recommended compact variety. Pretty consistant, and relatively easy to grow. A common English variety so hardy and smaller, denser leaves than the hybrid varieties. Availability wise it is not a commercially grown variety, so best to pre-order/guarantee your plants early in the season for delivery early May. The lavender folgate is only available in the 9cm pots, specimens of this variety are hard to source.

Thursday, 4 April 2013



Hopefully this series of blogs about lavender plants will answer all your questions about one of the worlds most popular plants.

Remember feel free to visit our website where you will find a comprehensive list of lavender plants, and great bulk discounts.

Please note - these are my opinions, and hopefully other experts will agree with my blogs. I am always open to constructive comments, and fully aware that with plants you learn something new everyday...

Best lavender plants for aromatics

The x intermedia group of lavender plants are generally the most aromatic. These lavender plant varieties are often referred to as hybrids. They all bare similar qualities, and characteristics - the main one is the size of the leaves, which are long and large compared to some of the English varieties of lavender plants.

Lavender x intermedia Grosso
One of my favourite lavender varieties. The foliage is generally silver/grey, large leaves, and an upright lavender variety with a quite large potential height of 60cm (24inches). The flowers are classed as a dark violet-blue. The lavender grosso is also renowned as one of the finest for creating oil, and I have been told in the past it has potentially 80% more than any other lavender - open to comments...

Lavender x intermedia Edelweiss
One of the few white flowering lavender varieties, and is quite a consistant, and strong growing variety. The edelweiss is often thought of as the most aromatic lavender variety on the market. Like the grosso above, it has a similar potential, but also has a potential spread of 60cm (24in) - please remember potential height and spread is in ideal conditions - full sun / hot spot, dry soil, and very well-drained soil. The one potential bad point is the maintenance, and in some cases the shape it will grow if you do not trim. The lavender edelweiss will need a good trim every autumn, as soon as the flowers start to fade - trim them back relatively hard, you will see the benefits the year after and in years to come.

Lavender x intermedia Provence
Fields of lavender in France - this is the variety they use. Leaves are generally slightly greener than the grosso variety. Flowers are generally blue, rather than the darker purple. With a potential height of 60-90cm (24-36in) these plants are one of the larger, but like the edelweiss, with annual trimming these can be kept to a nice size.

Lavender x intermedia Grappenhall
One of the more classic varieties of the hybrids, and offers all the qualities of the other intermedia varieties, but out of all this is probably the one which could be mistaken for an English variety. Blue flowers, again a potential height of over 60cm.

There are of course more intermedia varieties, and I'm sure all with offer similar qualities.

Planting distance for intermedia lavender plants
If you are planning on trimming back hard every year - which is recommended - you will need 3-4 plants per metre (1 per foot). If you are buying in 9cm pots they will look a bit lonely in the 1st year, but too close together will not do you any favours in the long term. What you will find with the intermedia varieties is that if you buy a 1 litre plant they will be a genuine 2nd year plant - as they are better grown as 9cm, then potted up the following year - cannot take a short cut with a larger plug!

Sunday, 20 January 2013


Lavender Grosso

lavandula intermedia Grosso

 The lavender grosso plant is one of the more fragrant varieties of lavender, and like the lavender edelweiss is a hybrid variety with long leaves, and the potential to become a large plant. The lavender grosso has a potential height of 60cm, and the flowers spheres are tall and straight, which can offer a fantastic display of flowers throughout the summer. Generally I find the lavender grosso to be one of the first lavender to flower each year and look great as specimens.

Lavender grosso is thought to have 70% more oil than English varieties of lavender which make it ideal for fragrance as well as pot pourri and lavender products.
  • Excellent evergreen shrub
  • Highly scented
  • Pot pourri
  • Ideal for full sun
Thrives is well-drained soil in full sun
Height/spread - 60cm (24in)

Buy lavender grosso plants UK


Lavender Edelweiss (white lavender)

Lavandula intermedia edelweiss

Lavender edelweiss is a delightful favourite with splendidly aromatic foliage and white flowers. The lavender edelweiss is very similar in growth to the lavender munstead, and is ideal to mix with the munstead to create a mixed hedge or border. The silver foliage and white flowers make the lavender edelweiss unique and easy to spot.
  • Excellent evergreen shrub
  • Highly scented
  • Pot pourri
  • Ideal for full sun
Thrives is well-drained soil in full sun
Height/spread - 40-50cm x 60cm (16-20in x 24in)


Lavender Cotton

Santolina chamaecyparissus

The Lavender Cotton is not your classic lavender plant, and probably has more of the credentials of an alpine or shrub than a herb plant. The lavender cotton has a dense form of bright green, turning grey, finely cut foliage and produces bright yellow global button flowers in mid summer. The aromatic leaves of the cotton lavender plant are ideal to be added to pot pourri once dried
  • Can be used as an evergreen shrub / alpine
  • Highly scented
  • Pot pourri
  • Ideal for full sun
  • Drought resistant

Lavender Cotton will thrive in well-drained soil in full sun
Height/spread - 60cm x 90cm (24 x 36in)
Buy lavender cotton plants UK


Lavender Vera (Dutch lavender)

RHS garden merit award

 Lavender vera is an attractive variety with slender leaves and long purple flowers. Lavender vera is also known as dutch lavender, and has distinctive long slender leaves. The lavender vera is fast growing, with silver foliage.

  • Excellent evergreen shrub
  • Highly scented
  • Pot pourri
  • Ideal for full sun
Thrives is well-drained soil in full sun
Height/spread - 45cm x 60-90cm (18in x 2-3 foot)

Buy lavender vera plants UK


Lavender Twickle Purple

 The lavender twickle purple is a pleasant lavender variety which will offer you a large specimen plant in time. Not grown in huge quanities across the UK, so may come under the more rarer varieties I grow. The lavender twickle purple is ideal for edging because of the compact form of the foliage. It has relatively long leaves for an English lavender variety, and the flowers are a light purple - which offers an excellent contrast to the rather lush green-grey foliage.
  • Excellent evergreen shrub
  • Highly scented
  • Pot pourri
  • Ideal for full sun
Thrives is well-drained soil in full sun
Height/spread - 60cm (24inch)


Lavender Rosea
Lavandula angustifolia Rosea

3 x Lavender Rosea Plants (9cm pots)

The lavender Rosea plants are one of the hardiest varieties of lavender, and not surprisingly one of the slowest varieties of lavender. It has a very compact form - similar to the hidcote (and very similar to hidcote pink), and only has a potential height of 45-50cm in ideal conditions.
The lavender rosea offers a good flowering period, with delicate pink flowers. It can look exceptional as a meadow plant, or mixed into borders of wildflowers or perennials and, as most lavenders, would look great as a low level hedge or border edge.

  • Excellent evergreen shrub
  • Highly scented
  • Pot pourri
  • Ideal for full sun
Thrives is well-drained soil in full sun
Height/spread - 40-50cm (18inches)

Buy lavender rosea UK


Lavender Munstead Plant

Lavandula angustifolia munstead

Lavender Munstead Plants are renowned for fragrance, and boasts high aromatic qualities. This makes it highly attractive to bees as well as butterflies. Lavender munstead is an attractive shrub / herb, the foliage is greeen compared to most lavender plants, and grows in an upright form with narrow foliage. The lavender munstead is a relatively fast growing lavender plants, and is ideal for taller hedging. The potential height of the munstead is 60cm in ideal conditions and offers a good crop of purple flowers.

  • Excellent evergreen shrub
  • Highly scented
  • Pot pourri
  • Ideal for full sun
Thrives is well-drained soil in full sun
Height/spread - 60cm (24in)


Lavender Melissa Lilac

Lavandula Angustifolia Melissa Lilac

The Lavender Melissa Lilac is a large variety of lavender plant, growing to 60cm in ideal conditions. The Melissa Lilac boast mellow purple flowers on top of silver foliage. The leaves are chunky and all have similar form and size.
  • Excellent evergreen shrub
  • Highly scented
  • Pot pourri
  • Ideal for full sun

Lavender melissa lilac will thrive in well-drained soil in full sun
Height/spread - 45cm (18in)

Buy lavender melissa lilac UK


Lavender Hidcote Plant

 Lavandula Angustifolia Hidcote Blue

3 x Lavender Hidcote Plants (9cm Pots)

The Lavender Hidcote plant is famed for the fragrance of its flowers which are borne in rich purple-blue spikes during midsummer to early autumn. The lavender hidcote blue has shrub qualities and offers sweet aromatic, narrow, grey-green leaves which helps form a small, compact bush. The compact form of the lavender hidcote plant makes it ideal for low level hedging or border edging.

The Lavender Hidcote Plant has been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit because it has proved to be a reliable plant in appropriate conditions and a good performing plant.

  • Excellent evergreen shrub
  • Highly scented
  • Pot pourri
  • Ideal for full sun

Lavender Hidcote will thrive in well-drained soil in full sun
Height/spread - 45cm (18in)

Buy lavender hidcote plants UK